Turkish investments and investment strategy:government and private sector responsibilities in responding to challenges from globalisation.

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Bibliographic Details
Format: Book
Yazar/Kurumsal Yazar:Güvenen, Orhan
Published:Ankara: DPT. 1998.
Physical Description:21s.
Bibliographic Details
Format: Book
Sınıflama Numarası:332.609561/GÜV
Yazar/Kurumsal Yazar:Güvenen, Orhan
Eser Adı:Turkish investments and investment strategy:government and private sector responsibilities in responding to challenges from globalisation.
Published:Ankara: DPT. 1998.
Physical Description:21s.
Genel Notlar:30 Kasım 1998'de İstanbul'da yapılan "TOBB and UNDP Roundtable Meeting on Private Sector Partnership for Development"da sunulan tebliğdir.
Kurum/Kuruluş Ek Girişi:Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı

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